I'm the new co-treasurer at our local school's PTO (Parent Teacher Organization—what used to be called the PTA).
Here's a recent exchange I had with a friend who used to be the treasurer for our local school's PTO.
Me: "So, what does the treasurer for the PTO do?"
Previous PTO Treasurer: "There are a lot of things. For example, when you do the daddy-daughter dance..."
[after 40 minutes explaning what a treasurer does]
Me: "Oh wow! That's a lot. So, are there any procedures for how to do all of that?"
Previous PTO Treasurer: "Not really...no..."
After that, I felt like most employees starting a new job—nervous.
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What am I supposed to do?
I volunteered to be the PTO co-treasurer for the next two years.
And right now, no current member of the PTO actually knows what a co-treasurer does. Which means that no current member of the PTO actually knows what I'm supposed to do.
Fortunately, I am friends with the previous treasurers. And they live down the street from me. So we are going to have several long talks.
And I am going to be creating a lot of training docs in ScreenSteps.
And on this blog, I am going to be journaling my experience so you and I can discuss lessons learned in a very candid way.