2 Changes You Should Make To Your Training Slide Deck [Webinar Recording]

Posted by Jonathan DeVore

Not all training is created equal. When I hear that "I've tried training my co-workers, but nothing seems to help!" My first question is, "Can I see what your training looks like?"

A quick look at a slide deck, and it's easy to see why training isn't going so well. Most slide decks include information meant for awareness, not training. After spending four hours in a classroom, your co-workers are aware they use Salesforce. They are aware of Global Search and objects. And they are aware that they are supposed to use Salesforce to do their job.

But your co-workers leave training without a clear idea of what their job is, where to do their job, or how to do their job. 

We recently put on a webinar to show you how to take a typical slide deck that focuses on awareness (i.e. overview/lecture), and change it up so that it focuses on helping your co-workers perform their job. It's a simple change, but it makes a big difference.

Check out the webinar recording

Click the link above to watch the recording. It's broken up into several videos so you can skip the material that isn't interesting.

Topics: Webinar